(originally posted on VMware.com)

Here’s a quick post about the latest integrations with Wavefront. In the past, we’ve done Tesla and Nest integrations, but Durren Shen recently posted a blog about integrating Wavefront with an Ambient Weather weather station and WUnderground, the crowd sourced weather site. (The API info is here.)

Durren’s post is here. (Follow him here.) He also talked about code as well. I have cleaned it up and posted it to the GitHub repo here. To be clear, Durren (AKA durren ) wrote the code, I just cleaned it up.

The code is essentially this:

# Pulling data from WUnderground and sending to Wavefront by Python
# Core original code written by Durren Shen @durrenshen 
# in a blog at https://www.wavefront.com/weather-metrics/
# Cleaned up by Bill Roth @BillRothVMware
import urllib2
import json
import logging
import socket
import sys
import time
import re
import syslog
sock = socket.socket()

# Below assumes the proxy is running on the same system. YMMV
sock.connect(('', 2878))
# Set the source to yours.
sourceName = 'BrothPWS'
# Add your key here. You can get an API key here: https://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/

# Also change KCASANJO821.json to your station. Or you can use this one.

f = urllib2.urlopen('http://api.wunderground.com/api/Y/conditions/q/pws:KCASANJO81.json')

json_string = f.read()

parsed_json = json.loads(json_string)

temp_f = parsed_json['current_observation']['temp_f']

sock.sendall('weather.temp_f ' + str(temp_f) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

humidity = parsed_json['current_observation']['relative_humidity']

sock.sendall('weather.humidity ' + re.sub("[^0-9]", "", str((humidity))) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

wind_degrees = parsed_json['current_observation']['wind_degrees']

sock.sendall('weather.wind_degrees ' + str(wind_degrees) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

wind_mph = parsed_json['current_observation']['wind_mph']

sock.sendall('weather.wind_mph ' + str(wind_mph) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

wind_gust_mph = parsed_json['current_observation']['wind_gust_mph']

sock.sendall('weather.wind_gust_mph ' + str(wind_gust_mph) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

pressure_in = parsed_json['current_observation']['pressure_in']

sock.sendall('weather.pressure_in ' + str(pressure_in) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

pressure_trend = parsed_json['current_observation']['pressure_trend']

sock.sendall('weather.pressure_trend ' + str(pressure_trend) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

dewpoint_f = parsed_json['current_observation']['dewpoint_f']

sock.sendall('weather.dewpoint_f ' + str(dewpoint_f) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

feelslike_f = parsed_json['current_observation']['feelslike_f']

sock.sendall('weather.feelslike_f ' + str(feelslike_f) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

visibility_mi = parsed_json['current_observation']['visibility_mi']

sock.sendall('weather.visibility_mi ' + str(visibility_mi) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

solarradiation = parsed_json['current_observation']['solarradiation']

sock.sendall('weather.solarradiation ' + str(solarradiation) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

UV = parsed_json['current_observation']['UV']

sock.sendall('weather.UV ' + str(UV) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

precip_1hr_in = parsed_json['current_observation']['precip_1hr_in']

sock.sendall('weather.precip_1hr_in ' + str(precip_1hr_in) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

precip_today_in = parsed_json['current_observation']['precip_today_in']

sock.sendall('weather.precip_today_in ' + str(precip_today_in) + ' source=' + sourceName + ' \n')

observation_epoch = parsed_json['current_observation']['observation_epoch']

syslog.syslog('Weather logged at ' + str(observation_epoch));



It can produce a dashboard like this:


This was for the old Wavefront, which is now Tanzu Observability. You can see the original post here.